National Office
Essential Director Update
Note: All Essential Director Update (EDU) events for 2024 are now over. Sessions for EDU25 will begin September 2025.
Every year, the AICD exclusively invites members to attend the Essential Director Update in their city to get the latest governance, regulatory and legislative updates from Australia’s leading directors.
With renowned non-executive directors Christine Holman GAICD and Bruce Cowley FAICD delivering keynote presentations, EDU24 attracted more than 13,200 members nation-wide, both in person and online.
Presentation by Christine Holman GAICD
Christine is a renowned Non-Executive Director with over 30 years’ experience across the media, property, industrial, infrastructure and technology sectors. Bringing with her a deep understanding of legacy and emerging technologies as well as digital transformation, Christine’s EDU24 presentations addressed current challenges on generative artificial intelligence (AI), cybersecurity and mandatory climate reporting.
Presentation by Bruce Cowley FAICD
Having been a corporate lawyer at MinterEllison for nearly 40 years, as well as being awarded for his experience and excellence in corporate governance, Bruce brought his wealth of knowledge to his EDU24 presentations. He covered the recent developments in building corporate culture, CEO performance and succession planning, not-for-profits, and financial resilience.
Don’t miss EDU25 for more insights, more discussions and more governance guidance!
Not an AICD member? Join today to be able to attend the Essential Director Update every year.

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