National Office
Directorship in context
Bruce Cowley’s Directorship in Context is a practical guide to the intricacies of being a modern board director. The book provides an in-depth look at the challenges facing directors and offers insights on how they can effectively navigate the uncertain landscape of corporate governance.
Through up-to-date case studies, Cowley examines how directors approach the difficult task of making boardroom decisions, given the manifold considerations at play, financial, operational and ethical.
The book is wide-ranging, covering areas critical to the governance of today’s organisations, including climate change, stakeholder considerations and cybersecurity. It proposes ways of thinking to help directors steer their organisations through turbulent times and achieve their strategic goals.
This is an essential resource for directors of all types of organisations, including listed companies, not-for-profits and government entities. Whether you are an experienced director, a new appointee, or simply seeking a better understanding of contemporary governance, Directorship in Context is an invaluable guide to being a company director today.

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