John Brogden outlines the key facets of the Australian Institute of Company Directors’ repositioned annual conference, the Australian Governance Summit.
Next year marks an evolution in the Australian Institute of Company Directors' (AICD) approach to our national conference – a new opportunity for members to join and lead the national conversation on excellence in governance.
We are updating our conference program with a new annual domestic event under the banner of the Australian Governance Summit. In 2016, we will host the inaugural AICD Australian Governance Summit in Melbourne on 3 – 4 March.
The summit will become our annual conference event. In 2016 there will be no separate international conference, making this the key event for AICD members and the broader governance community. This new approach will continue to deliver the high standards set in previous years and is designed to be more accessible to more members and better reflect the diversity of our director community.
It does this not only through the location and venue – at the Melbourne Convention Centre – but also through the content of the program, which has been structured to draw on the broad range of skills, roles, backgrounds and experience of our members.
Our 2016 summit theme is Directing for Performance and, through this theme, we will explore governance beyond compliance − as a fundamental driver of performance outcomes. Our speakers and presenters will underline the critical role that governance plays in Australia’s long-term organisational effectiveness and economic and social sustainability.
To ensure the summit delivers relevant outcomes for our members’ varied roles and interests, the program features targeted sector-focused sessions for listed companies, private enterprise, not-for-profits and the public sector.
We have consulted with members and industry leaders in developing the headline topics and themes for discussion, to ensure that we are giving you – our members – exposure to the most relevant, topical and current thinking on governance and directorship issues.
We have an outstanding line-up with over 40 of Australia’s leading authorities on governance to share their knowledge and experience with you. Highlights include the opening address from David Gonski AC FAICDLife on governing for performance, Dr Sally Pitkin FAICD on CEO succession planning and Lt Gen. David Morrison AO on diversity.
We will also feature panel presentations from leaders such as ACNC Commissioner Susan Pascoe AM FAICD on not-for-profit mergers and acquisitions, Dr Marlene Kanga FAICD on innovative models of governance and Graham Bradley AM FAICD on policy-making for the long term.
We will maintain the most popular element from previous conferences – Tales from the corporate battlefield – which, in 2016, will feature Roger Corbett AO FAICD and Siobhan McKenna.
As the gold standard for governance in the nation, the AICD is committed to governance for performance, not conformance. Our mission reflects this commitment and the positive impact that governance excellence can have on the economy and society.
The 2016 summit will provide a great opportunity to connect with our wider community of established directors and governance practitioners. Importantly, a focus on current issues and practical, pragmatic advice will enable you to discover and discuss best practices that will strengthen the governance of your organisation.
As I outlined at the conference in Kuala Lumpur last year, the AICD will also explore opportunities for targeted international conferences on "over the horizon" governance and ideas.
The Australian Governance Summit, however, as our annual conference event, will be the cornerstone of our conference program and the pre-eminent opportunity for Australia’s governance community to connect and drive the conversation on excellence in governance. I encourage members to visit the summit website and register for March 2016.
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