How to use AI for board applications

Friday, 26 July 2024

Samantha Tait photo
Samantha Tait
Founder of TTS Digital

    When seeking a board role, it’s important to translate your narrative into a digital format that captures attention and showcases your unique value. Here we explore how to leverage AI and create a standout digital presence and examine how you can use AI and digital tools to enhance your application.

    Everyone has a resume these days, so what's your story? Board seats aren't won by those with the longest list of accomplishments. They're claimed by those who can paint a picture of their journey, their insights, and their vision, all while showing they understand the board's specific needs. It's all about the story.

    Crafting Your Narrative

    Your story is unique. It's not a list of achievements, it's about the challenges you've overcome and the insights you've gained. Think about the difficult projects you've managed. The tough decisions you've made. These experiences have shaped you as a leader.

    It's about how you handled situations when success seemed unlikely. How you learned to consider different perspectives. How you found the strength to lead during uncertain times. Your story includes the setbacks that taught you resilience. The mistakes that showed you the importance of humility. The small wins that built your confidence over time. Remember, boards aren't looking for a perfect record. They want to see someone who has faced real challenges, learned from them, and can bring practical wisdom to the table. Don't just list what you've done. Show how your experiences have prepared you for a board role.

    Key points:

    • Identify Your defining moments: Reflect on experiences in your career that shaped your leadership style, decision-making process, or strategic thinking.
    • Highlight your unique perspective: Consider what sets you apart, such as diverse industry experiences or unique skills in high demand for boards.
    • Show, don't tell: Illustrate your qualities through specific examples demonstrating resilience, strategic foresight, or ethical leadership.
    • Connect personal to professional: Include relevant personal experiences that have influenced your professional approach.
    • Align with Board Needs: Tailor your story to show how your experiences are relevant to the specific boards you're applying to.
    • Demonstrate continuous learning: Include examples of how you've adapted to new technologies, regulations, or market shifts.
    • Quantify your impact: Include measurable results of your leadership where possible.
    • Showcase collaborative skills: Highlight experiences demonstrating your ability to work effectively with diverse groups.
    • Address potential concerns: Proactively address any gaps in your experience, showing how you've learned and grown.
    • Future orientation: Articulate your vision for how you'll contribute to the board's long-term success.

    The next step is to translate your narrative into a digital format that captures attention and showcases your unique value to potential boards. Here we explore how to leverage AI and create a standout microsite that will make board recruiters pay attention. And how you can use AI and digital tools to enhance your application and create a standout digital presence.

    AI: Your Board Application Strategist

    When putting together your application, cover letter, and personal narrative, AI can be your secret weapon for tailoring your message to each unique board role. Start with your core story, then use AI to refine and customise it for each application.

    Try prompts like these:

    • "AI, how can I highlight my risk management experience for this financial services board?"
    • "Can you help me articulate how my international expansion expertise aligns with this company's growth strategy?"
    • "How can I emphasise my compliance background in my application for this board facing regulatory challenges?"

    Remember, the more specific your prompts, the more tailored and valuable the AI's feedback will be. Use it to sharpen your message and ensure your unique qualifications stand out for each board opportunity.

    Your Digital Handshake: A Microsite That Speaks Volumes

    In a sea of paper resumes, stand out with a living, breathing digital presence. A microsite is your chance to say, "This is who I am" in full colour, with sound and motion if you'd like. It's your story, your expertise, and your vision, all contained in an easily accessible location. Use professional photos that showcase your authenticity. Include images or logos from the company whose board you're seeking to join. This demonstrates your research and genuine interest in their brand. Do you have a defining speech or interview? Upload a video or audio clip. It's all about creating an experience that sticks in the viewer's mind. With today's tools, if you can point and click, you can create a microsite that tells your story effectively. This helps to show boards you're not just ready for the digital age, you're embracing today's dynamic ways of communicating and connecting. Here is an example of a microsite I created. Samantha Tait (

    Your Microsite Game Plan:

    • The Starting Lineup: Your professional summary
    • The Rookie Years: Your journey to the big leagues
    • Hall of Fame Moments: Your career-defining achievements
    • Your MVP Skills: What makes you a game-changer
    • The Analyst's Corner: Your insights on industry plays
    • The Cheerleaders: Testimonials from your biggest fans
    • Highlight Reel: A quick video showcasing your best moves
    • Coach's Strategy: Your approach to board leadership
    • Locker Room Access: How to connect with you

    Creating Your Digital Presence: User-Friendly Website Builders

    You don't need to be a technical wizz to build your digital presence. Website builders like Wix or WordPress are basically the LEGO sets of the internet. They offer:

    • Ready-to-use designs that look great (just pick one you like)
    • Simple ways to add and update your info (if you can use Word, you can do this)
    • Automatic mobile-friendly layouts (so your site looks good on phones too)
    • Quick loading (because no one likes a slow website)
    • Built-in security (to keep the bad guys out)
    • Your own web address You can set this up in a weekend.

    AI Tools to Help You Get Started

    • ChatGPT or Claude: My favourite is, much more initiative for storytelling. Use this to refine your story and tailoring applications to specific board roles.
    • Grammarly: To polish your writing and ensure your applications are error-free.
    • Canva: For creating professional graphics and visuals for your microsite.
    • Loom: To easily record and embed video introductions on your microsite.
    • LinkedIn Sales Navigator: To research companies and identify board opportunities.
    • For transcribing your spoken ideas into text, helping you capture your story more naturally. 

    Your experience is valuable. Use the tools at your disposal. Craft your narrative. Build your digital presence. Apply for that board position.

    Samantha Tait, TTS (formerly, transforms talent acquisition through creative thinking, strategy, and psychology. A trusted C-suite advisor, she contributes to Channel 7 and the Australian Financial Review on the future of work. Samantha's expertise helps medium to large businesses create employer brands that resonate, attracting top talent that responds. 


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