Climate Governance Forum 2024

23 August 2024
Sydney, NSW

The third annual Climate Governance Forum is set to be another landmark event connecting directors and senior business leaders to discuss their role in addressing climate change. From mandatory reporting to transition planning, this is the go-to event for staying up-to-date in this rapidly evolving field.


Friday, 23 August 2024
9:00am to 5:30pm AEST


Cost (Virtual)



ICC Sydney
14 Darling Drive

Sydney, NSW
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The 2024 Climate Governance Forum will build on the success of last year’s event, which saw attendees come together to share insights and hear from subject matter experts.​

​The Forum comes at a critical time for businesses as many move from ambition to execution of their climate goals.​

The Forum will be an opportunity for directors to connect with leaders in climate governance and hear from subject matter experts on a variety of climate-related issues affecting boards.

Speakers and panelists will be announced shortly.​

​This is a vital event for those committed to keeping their organisations at the forefront of climate strategy.​

This hybrid event will be held live in Sydney and available virtually. For virtual registration to this event, please click here.

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Forum Open and Welcome AICD CEO, Mark Rigotti, welcomes attendees to the Climate Governance Forum, and outline some of the major themes and discussion points. 


The Federal Government has introduced its legislation for mandatory climate reporting. These measures are a significant milestone in Australia’s transition to a decarbonised economy. What are the key points on these reforms that directors need to be aware of? How are boards and their organisations preparing for mandatory climate disclosures? What is better practice when assessing and disclosing climate-related impacts? How will ASIC approach surveillance and enforcement?

Morning Tea ()

Environmental, Social and Governance issues will remain important considerations for boards and their organisations into the future. However, a backlash against ESG practises from some groups has been noted in Australia and across the globe. How should boards respond to changing attitudes on ESG? What are the key drivers behind the backlash against certain ESG issues from some stakeholder groups? How can boards proactively engage with ESG critics and sceptics to understand their concerns?

Room Change ()

NFPs and Climate Governance Not-for-profit directors can face unique opportunities, risks, and challenges in climate governance. What measures should NFP organisations enact to respond to the climate challenge? What are NFP directors’ climate compliance obligations? Which practical steps can NFP organisations take to reduce their carbon footprint and drive decarbonisation initiatives?

Investors expect boards and their organisations to deliver strong financial performances whilst managing sustainability risks. Many shareholders have shown a willingness to challenge boards they perceive to be falling short on climate. How can directors and investors collaborate to incentivise positive climate outcomes? What does successful communication between boards and shareholders look like? How should investor views be included in an organisation’s climate strategy?

Lunch ()

Minister for the Environment and Water, Tanya Plibersek, delivers an address for the 2024 Climate Governance Forum and answers questions from the attendees.

Biodiversity loss and nature degradation have emerged as key concerns for many organisations and their boards, together with climate change. Addressing these issues will be a considerable challenge but could also come with significant opportunities. How can directors ensure their organisations are pursuing nature-positive actions and policies? What is natural-capital and why does it matter to boards? What are nature-related financial disclosures and why should organisations consider making them? How should nature considerations be built into a broader sustainability approach?

Afternoon Tea ()

The transition to a global net zero economy will present a range of opportunities and risks. Many organisations have developed strategies for this transformation, but implementing these plans comes with fresh challenges. What are potential obstacles organisations may face in implementing their net-zero strategies, and how can these be addressed? How can boards ensure climate strategies are integrated into overall business strategies, targets, and operations? What are some best practices for engaging stakeholders in the journey towards net-zero emissions? 

Forum Close ()
Networking Event ()

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