AICD’s Not-for-Profit Governance Principles are a key source of publicly available guidance for directors of Australian not-for-profits, including charities.
The Principles have been updated from the previous 2013 and 2019 editions to reflect the evolving governance environment including heightened board focus on organisational culture, stakeholders and sustainability. Structured to provide clarity and actionable insights, each Principle is presented as a chapter that comprises key points, director questions, case studies, and links to additional resources. They are:
- Principle 1 – Purpose, vision, and strategy
- Principle 2 – Roles and responsibilities
- Principle 3 – Board composition and effectiveness
- Principle 4 – Risk management
- Principle 5 – Performance and accountability
- Principle 6 – Stakeholders
- Principle 7 – Sustainability
- Principle 8 – Organisational culture
Aligned with the AICD's commitment to fostering good governance, these Principles offer pragmatic guidance grounded in director expertise and regulatory best practice and real-life case studies. A concise small NFP governance checklist is included, as well as a brief snapshot of the overall Principles and a targeted resource on how to elevate the client voice into decision-making.
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