After one month in the job, two things have struck me. First, the extent to which our membership represents the full spectrum of the Australian economy. Our members come from diverse sectors and industries, as well as locations, backgrounds and experiences.
More than half of our members are from the private and listed sectors. The not-for-profit and public sectors comprise our fastest-growing member groups. This diversity reflects the strength of our community. No two organisations, and no two boards, are the same. There is tremendous value in what we learn from each other and the AICD is an important avenue for that exchange.
Second, the level of interest and engagement that members have — and want to have — with the AICD. This has been shown at our complimentary Essential Director Update events, held around the country in capital cities and regions.
At each of these events, members arrived early and stayed late to meet their colleagues and talk about what it’s like to be part of the director community. They shared war stories, spoke openly about recently acquired insights and reflected on some of the challenges in their roles as directors and governance leaders.
Further dates and locations remain for the Essential Director Update in November. For more information, go to
Over the coming months, as I meet our staff, division councils and members, I will be asking about the ways we can improve and extend the services and member benefits we offer — including opportunities for us to facilitate further connections and shared experiences between members. Please also consider engaging with us at our annual general meeting. Full details of the AGM, along with our FY17 Financial Report and Annual Review, have been shared with you via email and on our website. I look forward to hearing from you.
Finally, I would like to thank the AICD team, including faculty, as well as those members I have met in my first month who have made me feel so welcome.
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