3 tools all directors need to maximise their performance

Wednesday, 30 October 2019

  1. 3 tools all directors need to maximise their performance
  2. The AICD have a range of tools designed to help directors assess and improve their performance and development. Here are three all directors should use.
  3. The Governance Analysis Tool
  4. Self-assessment Tool (SAT)
  5. Essential reading
  6. Latest news
3 tools all directors need to maximise their performance

The AICD have a range of tools designed to help directors assess and improve their performance and development. Here are three all directors should use.

The Governance Analysis Tool

The Governance Analysis Tool is an an external, “guided” self-assessment to facilitate collective self-reflection by a board of its governance practices.

The tool is a useful, efficient and effective method of focusing attention on the governance system as a whole and identifying areas the board believes are its strengths and where there are opportunities for improvement. It allows the board to achieve collective clarity on the key levers at its disposal that may contribute to enhanced performance.

Based on the Corporate Governance Framework, the Governance Analysis Tool is the product of years of development, using knowledge and experience gained from a cross-section of our most senior directors and created with one mission in mind — to build a stronger governance environment for business. More information here.

Self-assessment Tool (SAT)

This professional development tool allows directors to assess their current director capabilities and skills, which in turn helps business leaders focus their approach to professional development, enhance their skills, and confidently undertake board roles in the ever-evolving governance environment.

The assessment takes just 20 minutes and can be completed at any time, anywhere and on any device.

It provides directors with:

  • Real-time customised report detailing areas of strength and areas for development.
  • Suggestion of detailed learning pathways tailored to a particular sector.
  • Comparison with previous reports to confirm the shift in skills and capability.
  • The ability to compare skills with other members in the same sector who have completed the SAT.
  • The option of sharing your report with an AICD executive to engage in a personalised career conversation.

The tool is appropriate for directors of all levels of expertise and experience, and is recommended as an annual check-up for directors. More information here.

Essential reading

The AICD book, Reviewing Your Board, is essential reading for all chairs, directors, company secretaries, CEOs and consultants in corporate governance.

The book is written by Emeritus Professor Geoffrey Kiel FAICD, Associate Professor Gavin Nicholson FAICD, Jennifer Tunny, and James Beck GAICD.

Reviewing Your Board delivers practical advice and an easy-to-implement framework for a board to evaluate itself and answer the question: are we carrying out good governance? The revised text provides a practical guide to a wide range of considerations in undertaking these evaluations. For example:

  • What aspects of the board activities should be reviewed?
  • How frequently should such evaluations take place?
  • Should they be conducted internally or by an external party?
  • Who should be evaluated and by who?
  • How does a board bring about change resulting from an evaluation?
  • How does the organisation communicate the results?

Containing numerous examples and tools, this book will be essential reading for all chairs, directors, company secretaries, chief executive officers and consultants in corporate governance.

Reviewing Your Board is available here.

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