The contemporary board has a large number of events and activities to which it must attend. In the busyness of modern organisational life, it is easy for key board functions to be overlooked. A well-planned meeting schedule identifies the year’s key issues and helps directors to ensure that matters requiring their attention are addressed in a timely and logical manner.
The annual board calendar is a schedule of all the functions and tasks the board and its committees must perform during the year. These are allocated to specific board and committee meetings. The board calendar is also sometimes known as the board work plan.
It is often the responsibility of the company secretary to compile the annual board calendar, obtain board approval for the calendar and then ensure that the various items are attended to as required by the plan.
A board calendar is unique to every organisation. It will vary according the industry sector, the organisation’s own process of governance, the size and governance maturity of the organisation and its stage of evolution. The calendar may change from year to year as the organisation and its business evolve and needs change.
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