
    What are the pathways to greater economic inclusion for women and girls everywhere? This year’s International Women’s Day (8 March 2024) seeks to accelerate progress through investing in women. 

    Removing barriers so all women and girls can realise their full potential and build better financial futures is the purpose behind the UN Women Australia’s 2024 theme — Count Her In: Invest in Women. Accelerate Progress.

    Women face significant obstacles to achieving equal participation in the economy. Without equal access to education, employment pathways, financial services and literacy, reaching gender equality remains elusive. Organisations can take the initiative in the boardroom with strategies and policy decisions that ensure women are given equal opportunities to build their capabilities and strengthen their capacity to learn, earn and lead. Progress has certainly been made towards parity in Australian boardrooms. Analysis of board diversity data released on 8 March, 2024, by the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) reveals that the ASX 20 and ASX 50 have at least 40 per cent women on boards, with rapid progress being seen across the index. However, the chair of the 30% Club Australia, Nicola Wakefield Evans AM FAICD, says that while the campaign for board parity has achieved a great deal it is far from done.

    “Gender balance is something that should be considered as part of a board’s readiness for listing and we will be pursuing this as something that can net major results, even for smaller listed boards.”

    AICD Sydney office and Member Lounge update

    The AICD Sydney office, including the Business Centre and Member Lounge, remains closed due to significant water damage resulting from a leak in another part of the building. Our team is diligently working to mitigate the impacts and restore services for our members.

    We have successfully secured an alternative venue close to the AICD premises for all currently scheduled courses in Sydney and temporary Business Centre and Member Lounge (BCML) locations are now available.

    Temporary BCML locations in Sydney are located at:  The Executive Centre (at the following locations only)

    • Level 26, 1 Bligh St, Level 17
    • Angel Place, 123 Pitt St, Level 24
    • Three International Towers, 300 Barangaroo Ave

    For comprehensive details and updates, please visit our dedicated webpage. This page is regularly updated to provide you with the latest information.

    The AICD’s online services remain fully operational, and our Member Engagement Team is available to assist you with any queries.

    The AICD sincerely apologises for any inconvenience caused by the closure of our Sydney premises and appreciates the patience and understanding of our members.

    Support decreases for super fund sustainable investing

    Support for tailored sustainability options in Australia dropped from 64 to 55 per cent in the Global Retirement Reality Report from State Street Global Advisors. The report found no clear reason whether this shift in attitude to sustainability was due to recent regulatory action, politics, changes in marketing by product issuers or other issues.

    As in 2022, four categories continued to be sectors in which around half of Australian respondents did not want to invest — controversial weapons (56 per cent), gambling (55 per cent), violators of international norms like human rights (55 per cent), and tobacco (48 per cent). Australians now have similar or lower expectations of sustainability than the rest of the world.

    Australia Day Honours

    The AICD congratulates these members recognised in the 2024 Australia Day Honours.

    Australian Capital Territory 

    Robert Chipman AO GAICD
    Ivan Slavich AM FAICD
    Maj Gen Jason Walk AM MAICD

    New South Wales

    Neil Bibby AM FAICD
    Dallas Booth AM FAICD
    Louise Buxton OAM GAICD
    Stephen Callister AM FAICD
    Diana D’Ambra AM FAICD
    Dr Glen Farrow OAM GAICD
    Prof Steven Faux AM GAICD
    Dr Anthony Harris AM GAICD
    Jack Heath AM MAICD
    Avril Henry AM GAICD
    Prof Charlotte Hespe AM FAICD
    Robert Hirst OAM FAICD
    Emerita Prof Lesley Hitchens AM GAICD
    Peter Leavy AM GAICD
    Catherine Livingstone AC FAICD
    Prof Helen Lochhead AO FAICD
    Ben Maguire AM MAICD
    Prof Alex McBratney AM GAICD
    Prof Sally McCarthy AO MAICD
    Wayne Morris OAM GAICD
    Chris Pash OAM GAICD
    Lenore Robertson AM MAICD
    Warwick Shanks OAM GAICD

    Northern Territory 

    Jayne Lloyd OAM MAICD


    Eddie Chung OAM GAICD
    Julia Davison AM MAICD
    John Gallimore OAM MAICD
    Peta Jamieson OAM GAICD
    Morgan Parker OAM GAICD

    South Australia

    Bruce Carter AO FAICD
    John Chapman OAM FAICD
    Sharon Hanlon AM MAICD
    John Irving AM FAICD
    Raymond Spencer AM FAICD


    Lorraine Berends AM MAICD
    Scott Chapman AM FAICD
    Sue Dahn AM FAICD
    Prof Barbora de Courten OAM GAICD
    Assoc Prof Ngaire Elwood AM MAICD
    Christine Fitzherbert OAM FAICD
    Penny Fowler AM GAICD
    Flavia Gobbo OAM GAICD
    Georgina Gubbins OAM FAICD
    Jen Hargrave OAM MAICD
    Lisa Hasker OAM MAICD
    Peter Hille OAM MAICD
    Dr Tamara Kwarteng OAM MAICD
    Peter Lewinsky AM FAICD
    Jim Liaskos AM FAICD
    James MacKenzie AO FAICD
    Florence Mauwa OAM GAICD
    Sharon McGowan AM GAICD
    Carly Myers OAM MAICD
    Suzanna Sheed AM GAICD
    Dr Mike Stephens AM FAICD
    Diana Taylor AM GAICD
    Prof Jan Tennent OAM GAICD
    Bernadette Uzelac AM GAICD

    Western Australia

    Prof Dudley Kingsnorth OAM FAICD
    Christina Matthews AM MAICD
    Hon Sheila McHale AM GAICD
    Dominique Mecoy OAM GAICD
    Prof Katarina Milijkovic OAM MAICD
    Elizabeth Perron AM MAICD
    Mike Snell OAM GAICD
    Mark Stickells AM FAICD

    This article first appeared under the headline 'Sound Investment’ in the March 2024 issue of Company Director magazine.

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