A son of post war Soviet Union migrants, Adrian grew up and was schooled in the then industrial north west of Adelaide, first at Seaton North Primary and then Seaton High.
He subsequently attended the University of Adelaide taking a degree in Economics and an honours degree in Law.
After graduation he joined Adelaide law firm Thomson Simmons as a specialist Corporate and Technology lawyer. He was elected to Partner in 1997 and the leadership of the firm as its Chief Executive Partner in 2009.
In 2009, the firm, now known as Thomson Geer, was a small regional with annual revenue of $45m. Under his leadership the firm has been transformed to be one of Australia's major national law firms with offices in each mainland capital city, total staff of over 750 people and revenues approaching $300m.
Thomson Geer is now by far the largest law firm and in fact professional services firm to be headquartered in Adelaide in our states history.
Adrian is also an influencer of Australian and in particular, South Australian economic policy. He is a key independent economic advisor to the South Australian Premier as the Chairman of the South Australian Productivity Commission and is also a Director of think tank, The Menzies Research Centre.
His philanthropic contributions include being a Director of the Hackett Foundation, an important supporter of South Australian cultural events such as Womadelaide.
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