Simon Butt GAICD

Member (Building Industry Representative), Australian Taxation Office, Shadow Economy Advisory Forum

Simon is a passionate advocate for the construction industry, having forged a career spanning 37 years’ working in construction and project management organisations. Recently retired from Manteena, Simon is keeping his contact with the industry through continuing involvement in the Master Builders Association (ACT), UC (Adjunct Professor) and construction-based technology companies.

His knowledge of corporate strategy, good governance and promotion of diversity shaped Manteena during his 34 years with the company. Throughout his time at Manteena he gained a reputation for successfully achieving challenging and demanding projects, that were often “out of the ordinary”, through an ability to grasp the key strategic approach and communicate the actions needed to bring the projects to fruition.

Simon guided Manteena through a phase of growth and development over 15 years as CEO, building upon a reputation of professionalism, integrity, reliability and performance in a highly competitive market. During that period, he oversaw the expansion of Manteena’s activities to work in many locations across Australia through responding to the needs of its national clients; successfully implemented expansion strategies; and proactively structured the company to seek out international opportunities and deliver projects in 32 countries.

In late 2016, Simon oversaw the successful restructure of Manteena’s trading operations into three entities covering the Commercial, Security and Residential sectors. The company also invested in a new integrated job cost and accounting system, implementing this on all sites and the new trading entities, establishing solid foundations for future generations.

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