Mark Gray FAICD

Chair, Data#3 Limited

Mark is an accomplished Chair and Company Director, with an outstanding record of achievement in non-executive and executive roles across both the public and private sectors.

Mark is currently the Chair of Data#3, an ASX-listed IT solutions and services provider and NSX-listed Sugar Terminals Limited (STL) which provides storage and port handling services for sugar and other products. He is also the Deputy Chair and Chair of the Audit, Finance and Risk Committee of South-East Queensland water distributor-retailer, Urban Utilities, and Chair of the Finance, Risk and Audit Committee for the Royal Flying Doctor Service (Queensland Group of companies).

Mark has recently retired from the Board of Queensland Cricket, where he was a Non-Executive Director for 10 years, and Chair of the Finance, Governance, Audit and Risk Committee for 5 years. Other former Directorships include the Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility, Griffith University, Queensland Treasury Corporation and Airtrain.

In his Executive career, Mark’s former roles included Under Treasurer (Chief Executive) of the Queensland Treasury Department, Chief Executive, Queensland Competition Authority and Office Head for Macquarie Bank in Queensland.

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